Beiträge des Autors

Preview XL interview eclipsed 7/8 2021

Preview of my interview (German language) in eclipsed 7/8 2021. Unfortunately the complete interview ist for subscribers only. But it’s a nice start.

Level Pi feature in eclipsed Rock Magazin

Level Pi feature in the new eclipsed-Rock-Magazin July/Aug 2021.


Elektronische Philosophie is now also available in On Stage tour & concert promotion’s shop:

Level Pi in TOP 10 of Neokraut

Review Eclipsed

„Elektronische Philosophie“ is reviewed in the new eclipsed-Rock-Magazin . „Nachtfahrt“ is on the CD that comes with the magazine. Eclipsed ranks „Elektronische Philosophie“ in the TOP 10 of Neokraut!

Head Rush

Head Rush

Audio Cologne Project, the Computerchemist / Level Pi collaboration is part on the giant triple LP + bonus CD HEAD RUSH released by Fruits de Mer Records! My copy came yesterday. They chose the track „Grobmotorik“.

„Intermezzo“ on Schallwende youtube channel

„Intermezzo“ on Schallwende youtube channel:

Level Pi in eclipsed (German Rock magazine)

Level π is mentioned in the new eclipsed magazine as one of the new bands of Krautrock! Krautrock rules

The 2-minute vacation

Intermezzo Video

New Video: Intermezzo Vielen Dank an das Team des Miniatur Wunderlands


Next stop: Hippiesland

Art and Photographie by Rendel Freude

Rendel Freude, the artist who made the wonderful artwork for most of my cds has launched her new websites (yes, plural). If you are interested in her work as an artists and the giant sculptures she makes, in her work as a photographer or graphic designer, click on one of the links. It’s well worth …
