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Working on new Level Pi album

Mixing a track

Currently I’m working on the final mix of a new Level Pi album. I started experimenting with breakbeats and trip hop samples mainly for the rhythm section but you will also find Berlin School Sequencers, nice guitar solos and long spheric parts.

Fire on the Moon

with „Fire on the Moon“ by Baaden/Cremer

New Song – vote for Level Pi

I have decided to take part in the HOFA Song Contest with a brand new Level Pi song. The song is called Desert Wind. The trip hop beat and the e-piano made the track quite cool. Here you can have a listen to the track. Of course I would be happy if you would vote …


Baaden/Cremer on Spotify, …

For those who like streaming: opens in a new tab)

slightly addicted

Thank god, music software summer-sale comes to an end. I had to buy a couple of things which are „absolutely necessary“ and take my productions „to the next level“. Haha. But it’s always fun to buy good software for the price of two beer. And a Schnitzel maybe. It depends.

Another great review

More to read about „Aufbruch“ by Andreas Baaden and me. And it reads well.

Baaden/Cremer on youtube

Did you already find the official trailer on youtube? If not:

more reviews

People seem to like Baaden/Cremer’s „Aufbruch“:

First review for Aufbruch

You will find a first review on And it’s a good one!

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