Here we go! All necessary data has just been forwarded to the CD pressing plant.
Sep. 28
Artwork for new album
Artwork for my new album is now also finished. The cover was designed by who also created the artwork of DUNKELSTUNDE and ELECTRONIC SHEEP.
Sep. 02
News about the new album
It’s getting serious: Mastering is as good as done and I’ve seen first drafts of the artwork.
Aug. 08
Announcement: New Level π Album
Juli 31
Baaden/Cremer did it again!
Baaden/Cremer did it again: Our track „Tiefsee“ is part of the new CD „Unter Wasser“, the 22. Schallplatte by German EM fanclub Schallwende. 😎

Apr. 07
Psychedelic Blues
I have brought another of my older songs back to life. It was originally written in 2015 to experiment with some new plugins. It’s a very bluesy track with a psychedelic touch at the end, performed with classic rock instruments: Guitar, bass, organ and drums. No synth this time. Check out the „Psychedelic Blues“ 😀
The track is part of my album „From Old to New“ on Bandcamp.
März 29
New Song on Bandcamp
I’ve just released a new single track on Bandcamp.
„Es kommen bessere Zeiten (Better Times will Come)“ …
… is a nice floating track with an uplifting mood. It’s synth and sequencers only plus the steady beat of a drum computer. The song has a touch of the 80s with it’s John Carpenter -like bass synth and the Linn sounds but maybe that’s only how I hear it and you think it’s all 70s?
Feb. 21
Recording and Mixing
Superb session with Andreas Baaden today. We are working on a very cool track with the title TIEFSEE.
Feb. 06
Level Pi on Wikipedia (as Uwe Cremer)
Thanks to my first label, Garden of Delights, you can read about my music on the German Wikipedia. I like that.